Northborough Free Library Author/Illustrator Quilt
I love libraries in the way that a chocoholic loves a Godiva Easter bunny.
I blame my mother, who took me to the library so often that I was literally the poster child for Kid Obtaining First Library Card:

This photo was taken at the Northboro Library (or more accurately, the Northborough Free Library -- the town has become fancier since I left it, restoring the more formal "ugh" to its name and requiring all citizens to wear cravats).
This is the place where I discovered Diana Wynne Jones, Lloyd Alexander, Ruth Chew, and Tamora Pierce. I remember exactly where the shelves were that held all the Encyclopedia Brown books, and I remember sneaking into the grown-up section to find Watership Down. (I really did sneak. I assume I was afraid an adult would spot me, shout "Under Age Reader!", and a team from the Militant Branch of the ALA would rappel from the windows to capture me.)
This same library appears in chapter 7 of my debut novel, Into the Wild. Julie hides from Cinderella and Goldilocks here, and the Three Blind Mice live in the Children's Room. (The Children's Room actually did have hamsters. I don't think they talked, though. Perhaps after hours...)
Over the past couple years, the Northboro Library underwent major renovations. And now that it's all new and fancy, they've planned a lovely event where they will dedicate an author/illustrator quilt and hang it in the brand new Children's Room. The quilt was created by a group of talented local quilters who incorporated scenes from ten children's books along with quilt pieces signed by the authors or illustrators. I had the honor of contributing my signature when I was last at the library and am absolutely thrilled that a scene from Into the Wild has been included on the quilt.
The Author/Illustrator Quilt Dedication is this Saturday at the new Northboro Library. I'll be there, as will Andrew Clements, the author of Frindle as well as many other wonderful books. Here are the details if you'd like to join us:
Saturday, May 14, 2011 from 11am to 1pm
Author/Illustrator Quilt Dedication
Northborough Free Library
34 Main Street, Northborough, MA
Refreshments will be served (though I cannot promise any Godiva bunnies).
If you're in the area, I hope to see you there!
Labels: Appearances, Into the Wild, Libraries, Northboro, Northborough Free Library
Wait a second. Andrew Clements is also from your hometown?! There must be something in the water. I'm convinced.
Q: I know he lives in Massachusetts, but I'm not sure which town.
*jumps with glee* Tammy Pierce! Tammy Pierce! I LOVE her. Read everything she's published. Anxiously waiting for Mastiff. I remember discovering her too!! I was at the library looking for something to read while I waited for the fourth Harry Potter book to come out ( i was about 11 or `12 - i'm 22 now)and I was intrigued by Lioness Rampant and the librarian redirected me to Alanna: The First Adventure and I've been hooked ever since. My SOTL books are worn out and signed lol.
PaulaAlicia: I completely agree. I adore every book she's ever written. Just finished her Tortall and Other Lands short story collection, and it was like visiting old friends.
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