Cover Art for Out of the Wild!
Just got an email from my editor with a lovely, lovely, lovely attachment... cover art for OUT OF THE WILD!!!

That's Julie flying a magic bathmat! And in the top right corner is Gothel on her broomstick with Boots on her back! Squeeeeeeee!!!
I have been staring at it for... oh, hours now. Like the cover for INTO THE WILD, it's designed by the awesome Jose Nieto of square zero. Below are the two covers side by side. Don't they look cute together? (Yes, I am doing the Snoopy Dance of Joy.)
I added the new cover to the Books page of my website, and I wrote up a little description of OUT OF THE WILD to accompany the pretty new cover...
Warning: The following contains spoilers for INTO THE WILD. If you haven't yet read INTO THE WILD, please avert your eyes.
Out of the Wild
by Sarah Beth Durst
coming June 2008
from Razorbill / Penguin Young Readers
Julie's long-lost dad is a fairy-tale prince. Literally. And when he is suddenly and inexplicably freed from his fairy tale, Julie thinks she's finally found her happily-ever-after. But when he dashes off to save a damsel who's distressing, it's up to Julie to bring him home, protect the family secret, and while she's at it, save the world.
Join Julie on a magical road trip across America. A flying bathmat, a very drowsy princess, a fire-breathing dragon, and several thousand magic beanstalks... Julie's world, our world, will never be the same again.
What do you think? Do you like the cover for the sequel? I think Jose did a wonderful job, but I suppose I'm a bit biased...
Labels: Cover Art, Out of the Wild