Faerie Mafia
A note of caution for my dear readers: Please learn from my mistakes. Never double-cross the faerie mafia! You might wake up to find this in your bed...
Labels: Public Service Announcements, Unicorns
Sarah's JournalRandom Thoughts of Writer Sarah Beth Durst |
A note of caution for my dear readers: Please learn from my mistakes. Never double-cross the faerie mafia! You might wake up to find this in your bed...
Labels: Public Service Announcements, Unicorns
posted by Sarah Beth Durst @ 12:03 AM
I'm the author of over twenty fantasy books for kids, teens, and adults. Several of these have won awards, including THE QUEEN OF BLOOD, which won the ALA Alex Award, and VESSEL, which won the Mythopoeic Award. My latest book for kids is THE SHELTERLINGS (HarperCollins/Clarion) and my latest book for adults is THE BONE MAKER (Harper Voyager). I'm very, very, very excited about this.
LOL! The faerie godfather has struck!
I kinda prefer the faeries to the gories.
You double-crossed the faerie mafia? Ouch. They do my insurance--shall I slip in a good word for you? :)
Please check your e-mail, check my blog, tell your friends about my blog, and comment on my blog, or I will launch a full scale invasion of dwarves on your house!
P.S. Dwarves or Dwarfs? Dwarves just sounds better to me.
PSS. What the bleep is the faerie mafia?
PSSS. Yes, I said bleep instead of heck or h***. I felt like it, okay.
PSSSS. Read my first comment before you read this one.
LOL the horror!
What did you do to warrant such a grievance?!
Visit my blog too or the unicorn gets it....just kidding. Your blog is delightful and fun.
WOW. I love this. I also am having flashbacks to a prize I won at an NC state fair in 1989...
I had no idea the faerie mafia existed! Thanks for telling me. I shall go track them down... *zooms over to Yahoo Yellow Pages*
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