Working in My Sleep
This morning, while I slept late, my industrious husband, A, designed my business cards. When I woke, he presented me with this bit of gorgeousness:

Cool, huh?
We went online and ordered 500 of them. (We meant to order 250, but it was only $5 more to order twice as many...) Now I have something to hand out when I attend the World Fantasy Convention in November! (Do that many people even attend the World Fantasy Convention? Guess I can hand out extras to friends... Note to self: make more friends.)
I've been practicing a nice casual lead-in to handing out my shiny, new card:
Friendly person: "So what do you do?"
Me, jumping up and down at this perfect opening: "I'm a writer."
Friendly person, wondering why I'm bouncing: "Oh? What have you written?"
Me, only slightly shouting: "My debut novel, INTO THE WILD, is coming out from Penguin next summer. Here's my card. It has my website address on it: I have a blog too. Did I mention it's coming out in hardcover? The book, not the blog. Here, there's information on the card. Take it. Take it! TAKE IT!"
Friendly person, backing away slowly: "Uh, thanks. I think it looks like rain. Do you know if it's supposed to rain today? Maybe I should get my umbrella. Oops, I left it at my hotel. Five miles away. Brisk walk. No problem. See you later!"
Hmm... perhaps I should try it without the wild gleam in my eye...
At any rate, I am very excited to have my own business cards, and I think A did a great job. Best part is that I feel like I got work done while I was still sleeping. :)
On an unrelated note, my manuscript is now with the copyeditor! Another step closer. So cool!
One word: "Reunions!"
Bring your cards to reunions and
hand them out. Oh, and another
six words (or three, repeated):
"I want one! I want one!"
what service did you use for the cards?
I used Pretty simple. Pretty quick. And I really like how my cards came out. Would definitely recommend.
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