In my defense, my crashing has been aided and abetted by super-kind souls** who offered to let me mention their names to the fierce dragons and gargoyles guarding the door (and don't forget the robots -- never forget the robots), so technically I was a guest at all those shindigs.
But now I am guest no more. I am a card-carrying SFWA Member! Actually, I'm not so card-carrying. My membership packet is in the mail. And I don't know if there's a card in it or not. I do hope there's a diagram of the secret handshake. And a map to the secret lair.
Anyway, I've wanted to be a member for a long time now. And now I am! Eeeeeeeee!!!!!
Does anyone know if there's a SFWA party at World Fantasy Convention in Austin? If so, I'm looking forward to NOT crashing it!
* Shhhhhhhhhhhhh! Don't tell anyone.
** I won't name names, but they rhyme with Paul Levinson and Rob Sawyer...
Well, congratulations!!
web: www.sff.net/people/paullevinson
blog: www.myspace.com/twiceuponarhyme
blog via RSS: http://blog.myspace.com/blog/rss.cfm?friendID=17346415
videoclips: www.youtube.com/user/PLev20062006
podcast: http://paullev.libsyn.com or http://lightonlightthrough.com
live on radio (Sundays, 7:15am, Pacific time): www.knx1070.com
podcast on iTunes: http://phobos.apple.com/WebObjects/MZStore.woa/wa/viewPodcast?id=202764359
Thanks, Paul. And thanks for all the times you got me in to SFWA events! You're the best!
Hope to see you at the next shindig.
- Sarah
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